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About Us


Our world has changed, self-hygiene will be everyone’s priority going forward.
We need to protect ourselves, our loved ones at home, friends, colleagues and our customers NOT only now but going forward.

Ensure you have a good quality hand sanitiser available for your family, work colleagues, employees and your customers.

All business and public access areas will require hands to be sanitized on entry to protect EVERYONE

The cost of one application of hand sanitiser is less than 2p and mandatory when we all come out of isolation.

We WILL all go back to work in the coming months our economy WILL bounce back but we ALL need to play our part. 80% of all bacteria and viruses are spread to surfaces by contact by OUR HANDS. The remaining 20% is spread through the air and again settle on surfaces only to be picked up by contact through our hands.

Wash your hands with soap and water regularly ( hourly if possible ) and when you can’t PLEASE use a GOOD quality hand sanitiser.

We will ALWAYS work towards fair pricing working daily to make sense of our raw material supply chain costs sadly supply vs high demand ALWAYS results in increases and we are doing everything possible to mitigate this.

Please contact via the contact form